I'm going to use my blog as a source of news on the UK DEC Meeting I'm trying to get sorted out.
Well, I've been banding this idea around to a few fellow DECheads in the UK, and thought it was about time I moved on to stage 2.
I am thinking about organising a meeting for people interested in the lines of computers created by Digital Equipment Corporation. It is likely that the meeting will be autumn next year, and would be run over a Saturday and Sunday in Windermere, Cumbria, UK.
This is in the very early stages of planning, and I'm initially looking to get an idea of numbers who might be interested. This is to ensure that I can organise the event without loss. In terms of numbers I would be looking for between 10 and 20 people to exhibit computers, and then another up to maybe 50 people as non-exhibitors. I'm sure we could get some interesting speakers involved.
Cost is likely to be in the order of GBP 10 for the two days, although we can discuss the option of providing catering if there is interest. I would be looking for firm commitment to buy a ticket say 3 months in advance.
So in the first instance, could anyone interested email me at: mark at wickensonline dot co dot uk. By emailing you agree for me to keep your email address on file so that I can inform you of any progress.
Please feel free to make suggestions either on this blog or direct by email.
Well I wish you every success with this and I look forward to hopefully reading about your success. I have been pondering for a while about the possibility of a general retro computing event in the UK.
I can't help but think there had to be a fair number who would attend if the location was right. Somewhere kind of mid-way so Scots, Welsh and non-London folk would feel able to attend.
The other issue of course being well targeted publicity to bring people in.
Good luck to you and I hope to read all about your success.
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